
Some of the software projects maintained by

R Packages

Packages at CRAN


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This package provides an object class for containing taxonomic lists. Lists of taxa (e.g. plant species) may be a list of accepted names but can optionally contain synonyms, taxonomic ranks, parent-child relationships, taxon traits, etc.

The object taxlist attempts to validate the congruency of information contained in taxonomic lists and provides several functions for the manipulation of objects belonging to this class.

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CRAN_Status_Badge CRAN_downloads total downloads

This package provides an object class for containing taxonomic lists. Lists of taxa (e.g. plant species) may be a list of accepted names but can optionally contain synonyms, taxonomic ranks, parent-child relationships, taxon traits, etc.

The object taxlist attempts to validate the congruency of information contained in taxonomic lists and provides several functions for the manipulation of objects belonging to this class.

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CRAN_Status_Badge CRAN_downloads total downloads

A package for import and export of BibTeX files focussing on databases managed by the software JabRef.

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CRAN_Status_Badge CRAN_downloads total downloads

Functions to write yaml-heads and r-markdown documents and exchange documents in R-images.

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